Monday, January 1, 2007

Scrollsawing Tips

These are just some of the tips my husband has learned over the years of scrollsawing:

#1 Put packaging tape over pattern after mounting pattern on wood. The best tape he has found to this date is the United States Postal Service's tape. The reason for that is it has a low glare, other tapes he has used have a high glare to them. By putting the tape over the pattern & wood, you are less likely to burn the wood or cause friction marks.

#2 When scrolling out an item from a wood that has fuzzy wood fibers: luan mahogany, pine, etc., use the back of your scrollsaw blade and rub the cut to remove the fuzzy fibers, gives it a nice smooth finished cut. Our 14 year old daughter actually discovered this tip/technique while learning to scrollsaw.

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