Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Beautiful Gift

I am doing another shoutout about Woodturner. He sent me this beautiful ring holder as a thank you. The base is made from Florida Rosewood, the post from Black Walnut. If you haven't already discovered his shop on Etsy now is the time to do so. I have also ordered one of his birdhouse ornaments and was truly amazed when I opened the package to see the actual size of it. I ended up giving it to my sister and her husband for Christmas and they just loved it, it is proudly displayed in their home. I plan on ordering another one for myself.
He is just one of the great sellers I have found on Etsy. You will be truly pleased owning one of his creations.
He has wands, spinning toys, tea candle holders, ring holders, birdhouse ornaments, bottle stoppers, and more.
You can find his shop here:

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